Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Kinder, Gentler American Idol - Except for Gordon Ramsay!

How did the performers do singing Motown classics?  I think they fell into three groups: 1) those who enhanced their positions, 2) those who came out even and 3) those who didn't really take the opportunity to make their performances improve their positions.  No one was bad but some could have done more to gain new fans.

The judges are treating the contestants kindly this season.  We haven't heard any Simon-like zingers.  I like that the judges are trying at the very least to be polite, respectful and encouraging.  I suppose that's more than I can say about audience member Gordon Ramsay!  Dissing the contestant's mom?!  C'mon, man. 

Please click to listen to this edition of the Judging Idol podcast.

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